Windows CE

Monday, September 1, 2008

Implementing a Dynamic Interrupt Mapping in device driver


I will start with a driver which can do a little more than just exporting its entry points.

Here i will explain How to Implement an Interrupt Mechanism in device driver with Dynamic Interrupt Mappings.

Interrupts are notifications generated either in hardware or software to inform the CPU that an event has occurred that requires immediate attention, such as keyboard press events or touch event. In response to an interrupt, the CPU stops executing the current thread, jumps to a trap handler in the kernel to respond to the event, and then resumes executing the original thread after the interrupt is handled. In this way, integrated and peripheral hardware components, such as keyboards, mouse, touchscreen, can get the attention of the CPU and have the kernel exception handler run appropriate code in interrupt service routines (ISRs) within the kernel or in associated device drivers.

Each hardware interrupt line corresponds to an IRQ value in the interrupt controller registers. Each IRQ value can be associated with only one ISR, but an ISR can map to multiple IRQs. The kernel just determines and signals events associated with the SYSINTR values returned from the ISR in response to the IRQ.

For the ISR to determine a correct SYSINTR return value, there must be a mapping between the IRQ and the SYSINTR, which can be hardcoded into the OAL. But its not always the case. A developer may need to register IRQ/SYSINTR mappings without modifying the OAL code. This can be done if you call KernelIoControl in your device drivers with an IO control code of IOCTL_HAL_REQUEST_SYSINTR which registers the IRQ and SYSINTR mappings in the kernel’s interrupt mapping arrays.

When calling KernelIoControl with IOCTL_HAL_REQUEST_SYSINTR, you establish a 1:1 relationship between IRQ and SYSINTR.To remove an entry from the interrupt mapping tables, such as when unloading a driver, call KernelIoControl with an IO control code of IOCTL_HAL_REQUEST_SYSINTR. IOCTL_HAL_RELEASE_SYSINTR dissociates the IRQ from the SYSINTR value.

The following is a sample powerbutton driver for Device Emulator BSP.

Here power button is used to trigger IRQ0 which is mapped dynamically to SYSINTR_POWERBTN.

The event associated with the SYSINTR, Suspends the system when Signalled.


static HANDLE PwrButtonIntrEvent;
static HANDLE PowerButtonIntrThreadHandle;

static DWORD PwrButtonIrq = IRQ0; // Determined by the board layout.
static DWORD PwrButtonSysIntr = SYSINTR_POWERBTN;

static volatile XLLP_GPIO_T *v_pGPIO;

static VOID
//Set GPIO as Interrupt
//Configure INTERUPT as falling or Rising Edge

static BOOL
// Check for the Button pressed status

static BOOL
BOOL RetValue = FALSE;
v_pGPIO = (XLLP_GPIO_T *)MmMapIoSpace(PA,sizeof(XLLP_GPIO_T),FALSE);
* Alternate Way for Register Allocation
* v_pGPIO = (volatile XLLP_GPIO_T *)VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof *v_pGPIO, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS);
* if (v_pGPIO == NULL)
* {
* ERRORMSG(1,(TEXT("PBT: VirtualAlloc failed!\r\n")));
* } else {
* {
* ERRORMSG(1,(TEXT("PBT: VirtualCopy failed!\r\n")));
* VirtualFree((PVOID)v_pGPIO, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
* v_pGPIO = NULL;
* }
* }
   RetValue = TRUE;
return (RetValue);

static DWORD
PowerButtonIntrThread(PVOID pArg)
// Configure Interrupt When required
// Create the Event to be mapped with SYSINTR
PwrButtonIntrEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
// Request a SYSINTR/IRQ mapping from the OAL.
if (!KernelIoControl(IOCTL_HAL_REQUEST_SYSINTR, &PwrButtonIrq, sizeof PwrButtonIrq, &PwrButtonSysIntr, sizeof PwrButtonSysIntr, NULL))
     RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("PBT: Error! Failed to Map sysintr value for power button interrupt.\r\n")));
if (!(InterruptInitialize(PwrButtonSysIntr, PwrButtonIntrEvent, 0, 0)))
    RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("ERROR: PwrButton: Interrupt initialization failed.\r\n")));
// Handle power button presses.
for (;;)
    WaitForSingleObject(PwrButtonIntrEvent, INFINITE);
     if (PowerButtonIsPushed()) // Guard against noise triggering
        Sleep(200); // Check again in 200 Ms. to fend off a continuous press.
        if (!PowerButtonIsPushed()) // Must be held+released in less than .2 seconds.
            // Set the Power state to suspend Mode
             RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("PBT: Requesting power manager to suspend...\r\n")));
             SetSystemPowerState(NULL, POWER_STATE_SUSPEND, POWER_FORCE);
            RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("PBT: Button held too long \r\n")));
        RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("PBT:noise triggered it\r\n")));

PBT_Init(DWORD dwContext)
DWORD IDPowerButtonThread;
// Initialize All the addresses now to avoid the race conditions
PowerButtonIntrThreadHandle = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) PowerButtonIntrThread, 0, 0, &IDPowerButtonThread);
if (PowerButtonIntrThreadHandle == 0)
     RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("PBT: CreateThread() Fail\r\n")));

return (dwContext);

DllEntry(HANDLE hInstDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
switch (dwReason)
     //Disable all the calls to Thread attach an Dettach.
     DisableThreadLibraryCalls((HMODULE) hInstDll);
return (TRUE);

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hi All.... ;-)

Hi All,

All blogs needs an introduction post, so.... here it is :)

My name is Mukesh Kumar. I’m a Software engineer and have been involved with WINCE 6.0 BSP and driver development and a few Applications running on those platforms.

This BLOG will cover my journey of developing the BSP and .NETCF Applications.
I will also try my best to review,comments on other topics and link to the scattered posts and threads in this BLOG-O-Sphere and FORUMS,that I find interesting, so that it may help others to find all the related stuffs at the same place.

I grew up back in Gaya, India. Later on I came to Bangalore for my Bachelors in Engineering, Computer science.Since then i am in Bangalore, Working and enjoying my life here.
Well, I know that it seems a little late arriving on the Blog scene.But then Lets Start .... ;-)